The Oldest Trees on the Planet

Trees have existed on Earth for almost 4 million years and there are many different species, with some being several thousand years old. They play an important role on Earth as they act as a habitat for many creatures, aid in moderating the climate and reducing erosion, and provide the oxygen we need to breathe. The most accurate way to determine the age of a tree is for it to be cut down so its rings can be counted, but a good estimate of age can be obtained by looking at different growth factors. Read about some of the world’s oldest known trees below.


Methuselah is an almost 5,000 year old tree located in the White Mountains of California. The tree is in Inyo National Forest and while visits to the site are permitted, the exact location of the tree is kept secret for its protection. Methuselah is an ancient bristlecone pine tree and until 2013 was the oldest known non-clonal organism on the Earth. This title was superseded when a different bristlecone pine in the same area was discovered to be 5,063 years old.

The Methuselah – Information and interesting facts about the Methuselah tree, the world’s oldest living organism.

Sarv-e Abarqu

This tree, also known as the Zoroastrian Sarv, is a cypress and is located in Yard Province, Iran. This cypress is thought to be at least 4,000 years old. The tree is considered a national monument and is protected by the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran. According to the China Daily, Sarv e-Abarqu is the second oldest tree in the world and may be the oldest living organism in Asia.

Sarv-e Abarqu – Information on visiting the Save-e Abarqu tree, a national monument in Iran.

Llangernyw Yew

The Llangernyw Yew is located in Llangernyw Village in north Wales. It is an ancient yew tree that resides in the yard of St. Dygain’s Church. While it is very difficult to determine the age of yew trees, the Llangernyw yew is thought to be between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. The tree took root at some point during the prehistoric Bronze Age. It has now lost its core part and is fragmented with several giant offshoots.

Llangernyw Claims Oldest Living Thing in Britain – An article discussing how the tree in St. Digain’s yard is the oldest living thing in Britain.


Native to the Andes Mountains, the Alerce is the common name for the Fitzroya cupressoides tree species. This species was heavily logged in both the 19th and 20th century and because of this it is difficult to tell how long these trees can actually live. The oldest known living Alerce is thought to be more than 3,500 years old. The Alerce is a very large evergreen and the largest type of tree found in South America.

Fitzroya cupressoides – Information on the threatened Alerce tree from the IUCN.

The Senator

The biggest bald cypress tree in the US, The Senator is located in Florida. This tree is considered by most to be the oldest bald cypress known to exist. The Senator is estimated to be about 3,500 years old and was used by the Seminole Indians and other various tribes as a landmark. The tree is even more impressive due to the fact that it has survived multiple hurricanes, including a hurricane in 1925 that took 40 feet off the tree. The Senator gets its name from M.O. Overstreet, a senator that donated the tree and the land surrounding it in 1927. Sadly, the tree was burned down in early 2012.

Woman Charged With Burning The Senator – An article on the destruction of The Senator by a Florida woman.

Patriarca da Floresta

Patriarca da Floresta is the oldest non-conifer tree in Brazil, estimated at about 3,000 years old. The tree is believed by many to be sacred, but along with other Cariniana legalis species, is widely threatened by forest clearing in Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuala. Patriarca da Floresta translates to “Patriarch of the Forest.”

Patriarca da Floresta – An image and information on Brazil’s oldest tree, Patriarca da Floresta.

Olive Tree of Vouves

The Olive Tree of Vouves is one of seven ancient olive trees located in the Mediterranean that is thought to be at least 2,000 to 3,000 years old. The tree is located on the island of Crete in Greece, and while the exact age cannot be validated, it is thought that this is the oldest of the seven olive trees and is more than 3,000 years old. The tree can still produce olives and they are highly prized. Olive trees in general are hardy and disease resistant making them a long living species.

Olive Tree of Vouves – Information on the oldest olive tree in the world, a national monument in Crete.

Jomon Sugi

Located in Yakushima, Japan, Jomon Sugi is both the largest and oldest cryptomeria tree on the island. It is one of many reasons that Yakushima was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the tree is dated to at least 2,000 years old, there are some experts who believe that it could be more than 5,000 years old. If this is the case, then this tree would be even older than Methuselah.

Jomon Sugi – Information on hiking to see Jomon Sugi, Yakushima’s main attraction.

The Chestnut Tree of One Hundred Horses

Located on Mount Etna, in Sicily, Italy, the Chestnut Tree of One Hundred Horses is the oldest living chestnut tree in the world. The tree is believed to be between 2,000 and 4,000 years old. The age of the tree is made more impressive by the fact that it lives on Mount Etna which is one of the most active volcanoes in the entire world. The tree is located just 5 miles from Mount Etna’s crater. It is named after the legend in which 100 knights were caught in a major thunderstorm. According to this legend, all the soldiers were able to take shelter under the giant tree. Guinness World Records named the tree as having the biggest tree girth ever. The circumference of the tree is 190 feet.

The 100 Horse Chestnut – Information on the oldest tree in Sicily and possibly all of Europe.

General Sherman

General Sherman is a giant sequoia that is thought to be around 2,500 years old. It is the largest non-clonal tree in the world by volume. General Sherman’s largest branch broke off in 2006 and smashed part of the fence that encloses the tree along with the pavement on the surrounding walkway. The tree is located in Sequoia National Park in California. General Sherman can be visited and is a big tourist attraction.

The General Sherman Tree – Information on General Sherman from the National Park Service.

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