From Trees to Paper – History of Printing

Tree growing from an open book
The process of printing on paper has changed drastically over the course of time. Originally, if someone wanted to print something, the only way it could be done was by hand. This was a very time intensive process, which did not allow for mass production and distribution of the material. However, the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440, began revolutionizing the process.

The invention of the printing press and the creation of changeable type greatly improved the time spent in printing written material. Since Gutenberg’s revolutionary invention, the printing process has continued to fine tune the methods used to print on paper. The way printers are able to change what is to be printed has gone from a manual process of setting type to change what is to by printed by computer. This has had a dramatic effect on the entire printing process and made it much more efficient.

In addition, modern printing has gone to being less reliant on the use of paper for the process. Digital technology has allowed printing to be output to electronic formal. This allows written material to be distributed easier and quicker since you are not relying on printing on paper, and distributing the finished product manually. The saving in costs of production and distribution is substantial, which will mean lower eventual cost to the consumer.

The history of printing has undergone a number of changes during the past several centuries. These changes and improvements in the technology in the printing industry will continue in into the future. However, to learn about the printing industry in the past, please feel free to review the following information, and share it with others.

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